Each work order has its own card. It contains all the information about the work order. When it was created, by whom, what work was done, what spare parts were used, what was their price, etc. To go to the card, click on “eye” icon next the purchase order:
The following information is displayed in the purchase order card:
- Vehicle make/model;
- Vehicle license plate number;
- VIN;
- Vehicle year of manufacture;
- Vehicle status (in work, on repair, long term storage, etc.);
- Vehicle type, according to internal classification;
- Description of work order, with division no work and spare parts;
- Start and end date and time of this service order, odometer readings at the start of service operations;
- Bottom line price, with discount and tax;
- Pictures and other document forms, confirming the fact of performed operations;
- Comments (all users with access rights for this vehicle can leave comments);
- Full history of all changes, with reference to a certain person, who changed data;
- Fast print of work order card;
- Button to edit data.