“Zavgar Online” system has the ability to create a hierarchy of users depending on the roles in the company. You can create and edit standard (driver, manager, view only) access rights in the “Settings” section → “Roles”. This block displays a list of all roles entered into the system. To create a new role, click “Add role” in the upper right corner, if you need to edit an already created role, click on the “Pencil” icon next to the role name.
A list of all modules in “Zavgar Online” system will be displayed, you should determine what access rights the employee should have in the created or edited role.
Based on what the administrator had selected, the system will be configured individually for each role in the company. For example, we need to create an accountant role.
The accountant is not an active member of “Zavgar Online” system. Therefore, there is no need to give an accountant the rights to view users. Select the required item.
Considering the work with suppliers, in addition to viewing, rights to add a contact are required for this group.
Very important module for accounting and finance block. So, full access rights are required.
Also a very important module for accountant department. Fuel is the major part of expenses, and to work with it full access rights are required. Full access rights are assigned.
Dealing with problems is not within the competence of the accounting and finance unit, therefore we do not choose this point.
Service records.
This module includes the expense portion of the company, so we grant access rights for all actions, except for deletion.
Service reminders.
This module is not included in the accounting department sphere of interests, so it should be skipped.
Service tasks.
This module is not included in the accounting department sphere of interests, so it should be skipped.
Except from viewing waybills and obtaining data about them, the accounting department does not need anything else.
Meter/odometer readings history.
This module is not included in the accounting department sphere of interests, so it should be skipped.
Vehicle notifications.
This module is not included in the accounting department sphere of interests, so it should be skipped.
Work with suppliers is within the competence area of the accounting and finance unit. Access rights for this task should be assigned, except for deletion.
An accountant doesn’t need access to this section. It should be skipped. It is recommended to leave access to this block only for the administrator.
Inspections (inspection forms and performing an inspection itself).
Performing inspections is not within the accounting department sphere of interests, so it should be skipped.
Contacts notifications.
This block is not needed for an accountant. Skip it.
Spare parts.
A very important block for accountant department. The expenses on purchasing spare parts is a significant part of your transportation budget. Maximum access rights should be set for this block.
Ordering spare parts.
An accountant is an important participant in the spare parts ordering procedure. An accountant must be aware of all actions in this block, therefore the maximum rights should be granted.
Spare parts almost always come together with service work. For total accounting of repair costs, it is recommended to use the “Work orders” module. In it, the process of linking previously purchased spare parts to a specific machine on which the installation is carried out takes place. The accountant is extremely interested in controlling spare parts + work package, so we select all points, except for deletion.
Time tracking is a very important part of “Zavgar Online” system functionality for an accountant. Set the maximum access rights.
Additional vehicle expenses.
Other categories of expenses that cannot be attributed to the existing blocks are entered into the “Additional vehicle expenses” module. Such expenses are most often paid in cash and therefore special attention to them is required from the department of accounting and finance. Maximum rights.
Save the acquired role.
It is prefered to create access rights for everyone who will work in “Zavgar Online” system.