Monthly report on the control of the inspections scheduled for a specific day in the plan/fact format. 1. Select the form of inspection. 2. Select the month in which the examinations according to this form should have...
Report on all carried out repairs and service maintenance. 1. Select the period, for which you need to receive data on all repairs and maintenance, and select vehicles (by...
Report on violations in the system. 1. Select the period for which you need to receive data on the number and type of violations, as well...
Report on refuelings entered in the system. 1. Select the period for which you need to receive data on the refueling entered in the system, and select...
Report on the control of the inspections scheduled for a specific day and vehicle in the plan/fact format. 1. Select inspection form. 2. Select preferred day on which these forms of inspections were to be carried out. 3....