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“Problems” module.

“Zavgar Online” is a system for accounting fleet problems encountered during operation.

During the operation of the vehicle, the driver constantly experiences extreme situations. For example, an error appeared, a light bulb died, or the paintwork was damaged. As a result – irrational spending, often in cash, without any accounting. It is also impossible to identify the root of such problems and develop a mechanism not for curing, but for prevention.

How to add a problem to Zavgar Online?

A problem can be added in two ways:

1. By a driver through the mobile app.

To add a problem, go to vehicle card, in the right lower corner press the big green “+” sign (“add”)


After that, a “What should we add?” list will appear.

Choose the “Problem” item, by doing this we open the card for adding a problem. It consists of the following items:

  • Vehicle. Vehicle license plate number or the name of the vehicle, indicated in the program as “Object name” will automatically pop up here.
  • Name of the problem. Here we briefly describe the details of the problem. For example, “Left blinker doesn’t work”.
  • Description of a problem. This field is created for a more detailed description of a problem encountered and the driver’s suggestions for a solution. For example, “I suggest going to X service station in an hour, please, register me for diagnostics”.
  • The possibility to ignore odometer readings. This switch is created for situations, associated with any external circumstances (odometer readings are not displayed on the vehicle display, the readings entered by the manager are not correct, compared to the real readings, etc.). In the future, the administrator can edit the field. 
  • Choose a responsible person. Here the user determines who will solve the problem. The task will be assigned to the person marked responsible for it, from which he will have to create a “Service record” or “Work order” (or both at once)
  • Completion deadline. Time limit for solving this problem (must be solved no later than the following date and time …). This field is optional.
  • Last meter (odometer) reading. The deadline for solving this problem in kilometers (must be solved no later than the following odometer reading …). This field is optional. 
  • Add photos. It is better to confirm each problem with a photo.


After completing the card, click “Add a problem” and it will be saved and moved to the person responsible.

2. Through web-version.

Go to “Problems” tab → “List of problems” → “Add”


  1. Choose a vehicle from the list.
  2. Type in brief description of the problem. For example, “Low antifreeze level”.
  3. Put in the last meter (odometer) reading, it must not be less than the last value, you entered previously.
  4. Specify the deadline for resolving the problem or the odometer reading by which the problem should be fully resolved (if the vehicle has 2 sources of measurement (for example, engine hours and odometer), you can specify 2 last readings, that are measured in different units). This field is optional.
  5. Define the label (tag) for the problem (created for easy filtering and reporting for typical situations). Optional field.
  6. Assign the person responsible for solving the problem. It is the responsible person, to whom this task will be assigned to. From this task responsible person will have to create a “Service record” or “Work order” (or both at once) 
  7. Describe the problem in more detail and the proposed algorithm for solving it.
  8. Add a photo to confirm the problem.
  9. Click “Add” button in the upper right corner to save the problem.



Problem status

For the convenience of working with problems, “Zavgar Online” system has the ability to sort by status. If your vehicle fleet is more or less extensive, this is a very important functionality that allows you to effectively manage constantly emerging force majeure events. A good manager avoids delays in decisions, thereby reducing operating costs. A timely made appointment for a service or an ordered spare part is a guarantee that machinery has no out-of-service time. In addition to statuses, the system provides data filtering by:

  • Vehicle;
  • Period and time;
  • Person responsible;
  • Person, reported a problem.


There are 4 statuses for a problem in “Zavgar Online” system. To To display a list, go to the “Problems” section → “List of problems”



Problems with “Open” status are not assigned to anyone, without violation of time of meter (odometer) deadline.


These are open problems with overdue deadline.


These are problems solved by the responsible person. To solve the problem in the “Zavgar Online” system, you can create a service record or create a work order.


This status is given to problems that do not require any action from the manager. They are often used to record an event (for example, a small scratch on the fender) 

Problem solving

Each problem must be sorted out by a responsible specialist and solved. In “Zavgar Online” system, the problem that has been resolved is the one that led to the creation of a service record or a work order. To solve the problem, go to “Problems” section → “List of problems”, select the problem that you are going to solve now from the list and click on the “Action” button → “Service record” or “Work order”


“Service record” is used to record maintenance services without purchasing spare parts. “Work Order” is a more complex approach to cost management that takes into account spare parts and maintenance items. 

Here is an example from life. During operation, the car “gets” a chip on the windshield. In case of timely repair, the windshield looks like new for years and years. If the process of repair is delayed, repairs are no longer possible and an expensive replacement spare part is required. The ideal business process in this case should look like this:

  1. The driver sees a chip on the windshield and creates a problem through mobile app by attaching a photo. A mechanic is assigned by a responsible person, the deadline is the day after arrival at the depot.
  2. The mechanic sees this problem in the “Problems” → “List of problems” → “Open problems” section.
  3. He makes an arrangement with the windshield repairman and agrees on the time and place of repair 
  4. After an agreement, he goes to the problem card and clicks on “Allow” button → “Service record” (if spare parts were used, you should select “work order”)
  5. The supplier, start and end time are selected (preliminary).
  6. From the list of open problems the mechanic selects the one that is associated with the replacement of the windshield.
  7. He also selects “Windshield repair” in the list of service tasks or, if there is no such service task, adds it.
  8. You add an amount of expenses for repairs, attach a document confirming the fact of repairs. (Certificate of completion, receipt, etc.) 
  9. When saving a service task, the problem automatically goes from “open” to “solved” status. 
  10. Top management receives a full picture of expenses, from the moment of occurrence and detection, to the actual solving.

Closing problems

There are problems that can be solved without additional resources, or if a solution to this problem is not required at all. But the fact of noting force majeure situations is very important for vehicle history. For such issues “Closed problem” status was created in “Zavgar Online” system. To close the problem, select it in the list of problems → click on the “Action” button → click “Finish”. The problem will be saved and will be moved to “Closed” status.


Editing problems.

If you need to edit the problem, select the problem → “Action” → “Edit”


Attention!!! To create, edit and delete problems, you should have appropriate account rights. To edit access rights, contact your account administrator. 

Problem card

Each problem has its own card. It has all the information about the problem. When it was created, by whom, pictures of the problem, its status, etc. To see the card, click on the “eye” icon next to the problem:


Card of the problem contains all the information:

  1. Details – what vehicle, when the problem was transmitted, what odometer reading was at the time of problem submission, what was the deadline and who was responsible for the correction.
  2. Description – generated by the creator of the problem through a mobile application or web interface. Most often, the driver gives a brief description of the problem discovered during the inspection and the system determines this.
  3. Uploaded photos/files confirming the fact of the problem described. 
  4. Problems can be solved directly from the card by creating a work order or service record. 


Russian traffic police (GIBDD) fines

“Zavgar Online” system allows you to get up-to-date information about the fines in Russian traffic police (GIBDD) system in real time.

For a list of all received fines, go to “Problems” → “Fines” section.


The data is uploaded to the system on a daily basis, but if you need to check the database, click “Get fines” button.

Filtering fines.

The list of fines can be filtered by:

  1. Number of police order;
  2. Date;
  3. Vehicle.

If you wish, you can use more complex filtering by clicking on “More” button, an additional menu will be displayed on the right side of the screen.

Card of a fine.

To view more detailed information on the fine, click on the eye icon located right next to the date and time of the fine.


in the card you can see:

  1. Violation date.
  2. Date of issue of police order.
  3. Article of the Code of Administrative Offenses and its transcript..
  4. The amount of the fine.
  5. Link to Russian traffic police (GIBDD) website and a government body that issued the act of law violation.

According to the law, payment within 20 days guarantees a 50% discount of the amount of the fine. 

After you make the payment on the fine, mark it as paid 


All unpaid fines and fines, not marked as paid are displayed in the dashboard (main page) of the system. If you do not make the payment during the grace period, the system creates a violation for further analysis of the situation.



Please, note that both the licence plate and certificate of registration numbers are entered without spaces! 


“Zavgar Online” system is aimed at automating all processes associated with the operation of the vehicle fleet. In the course of work, employees make mistakes that can lead to serious problems in the future. Such errors require interference from higher management. A corresponding module has been created to display violations in the system, information from which is also duplicated on the main page (dashboard).

List of violations.

To display all violations committed by users in Zavgar Online, go to “Problems” section → “Violations”.


What data is displayed in the list of violations?

  1. The name of the vehicle on which the violation was committed 
  2. The nature of the violation;
  3. Person responsible;
  4. The date when the violation was created.

Filtering violations.

The list of violations can be filtered by:

  1. Type of violation;
  2. Vehicle;
  3. Date range of violations.

Start to manage your vehicle fleet now

Updated 30.12.2020

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