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“Fuel” module.

“Zavgar Online” is an efficient fuel accounting and control system for corporate fleets.

According to statistics, up to 50% of the costs associated with operation of a vehicle is the cost of fuel. Over the past 10 years, fuel price has already more than doubled and the forecasts of experts for the future do not inspire optimism in this matter. The only thing that an effective manager can do in such a situation is to reduce actual consumption, completely eliminate theft and build efficient logistics routes. “Zavgar Online” system in this case is an effective assistant for a manager and business owner. The system shows:

  1. All refuelings for cash.
  2. All refuelings using fuel cards (currently, integration with Likard by Lukoil and PPR is established (“Vezdehod” card, etc.).
  3. Fuel consumption for 100km., calculated from milage and refuelings.
  4. Actual costs of fuel per 1 km. of route.

Refueling card.

Depending on the company business process, the data on performed refuelings can be entered by the driver through the mobile application and by the mechanic, through the main web interface of “Zavgar Online” system. If refueling is carried out with a fuel card, transaction data can be automatically uploaded to the system (integration with PPR, Likard and other systmes is available). To configure this functionality, please contact technical support.

1. Manual data entry by the driver via a mobile application.

To do this, after refueling, the driver goes to “Zavgar Online” mobile application, selects the vehicle that he is currently driving → in the lower right corner, selects “green plus” icon → “What are we going to add?” – “Refueling” → Indicate the current reading of the odometer/meter (the last reading is displayed below) → Enter the volume refilled and price per unit (data is entered from the receipt, grand total must match the sum on the receipt) → Select a gas station (preliminary enter all fuel distributors through “Distributors” module → “Add record” → Fill in distributor card → in “Classification” tab, tick the box next to “Refueling” tab) → Specify the date and time when transaction for refueling was made → Upload a photo of a receipt or invoice confirming refueling ”→ Click “Add”


2. Data entry after scanning the QR code in the mobile application.

Scanning QR code allows you to quickly upload available data from the receipt to the system:

  • total transaction amount;
  • date and time of refueling. 

Other data is not available (they are not embedded in QR-code and they need to be added manually)

To quickly upload part of the data from the receipt QR code, go to “Zavgar Online” mobile application → in the lower right corner, select green plus icon “What are we going to add?” – “Refueling” → in the upper right corner, click on QR code icon → scan QR code 


Next, indicate the current reading of the odometer/meter (the last reading is displayed below) → Enter the volume refilled and price per unit (The data is entered according to receipt) → Select the gas station (preliminary enter all fuel distributors through “Distributors” module → “Add record” → Fill out the distributor card → in the “Classification” tab, tick the box next to “Refueling” tab) → Upload a photo of the receipt or invoice, confirming refueling “→ Click “Add” 


3. Data entry through program web interface.

Go to the “Fuel” section → “Add entry” → “Select vehicle” → “Specify the meter (odometer) reading → enter the name of the gas station (preliminary enter all fuel distributors through “Distributors” module →“ Add entry ”→ Fill in the distributor card → in the “Classification” tab, tick the box next to “Refueling” tab) → enter the refueling volume → unit price (liter, cubic meter) → specify the date and time of refueling → upload all receipts and other documents confirming refueling to the system. 


4. Automatic data upload from fuel card processing services.

The key advantages of automatic data upload from fuel cards are: 

  • the ability to see all refuelings in your Dashboard, no matter how many fuel distributors you use; 
  • saving a lot of time on data consolidation;
  • full automation – this means absence of human factor, and therefore no mistakes.

For fuel card processing service integration, go to “Integrations” section → “Fuel cards” → select your distributor → follow the description in the integration card 

Attention! To integrate Petrol Plus fuel cards (Vezdehod, PPR), you need to obtain an API key. To do this, follow the mini-instructions below. 


If there is no API section in your Dashboard, write an inquiry to PPR support with a request to activate this block (it’s free of charge) 

 Automatically processed information on the refuelings is displayed in “Fuel” section in the electronic service book of the vehicle, and it also goes into the calculation of the cost of operating the vehicle.

Fuel cards transactions.

Some transactions from fuel card Dashboard might not be assigned for the following reasons: 

  1. There is no integration with the monitoring system and the meter (odometer) reading is not automatically uploaded.
  2. Integration with the monitoring system has been completed, but the login information or API key for integration has been changed.
  3. A significant update of the fuel card processing Dashboard has taken place. 

Unassigned refuelings are displayed in the “Fuel” module, “Transportation company transactions” of the section, as well as on the main dashboard of “Zavgar Online” system.


Next to the transaction there will be a “Post” button, if possible, enter odometer readings, if there is no data from the meter/odometer, tick “ignore” checkbox and enter any value. Save your refueling card.


Fuel cards logs.

Data from fuel card Dashboards are uploaded into the system daily, at night and for user convenience all data is recorded in the logs (“Fuel” section → “Transportation company transactions” → “Log”) 

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If there is no refuelling data, please, first of all, check in the logs whether the data was received from fuel cards Dashboard (“Status” column). 

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Обновлено 29.07.2021

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