Trip Module.

The waybill is the main accounting document for corporate transport. And regardless of whether it is the organization’s own car or a rented one, a waybill is necessary when leaving any vehicle for work purposes. Strict requirements for filling out this primary document are established only for trucking companies, however, for all the rest, it is a strict reporting document.

Printing blank road waybill forms. 

For some companies, road waybills pre-filling is not relevant and the system provides the ability to quickly print blank ready-made forms, according to the forms established by the Ministry of Transportation. 

Go to “Trips” section → “Print forms”


Forms of road waybills are unified and divided into several different types of forms depending on the type of vehicle (Orders of the Ministry of Transportation of the Russian Federation #152 issued on 18 Sep 2008, #17 issued on 18 Jan 2017, #467 issued on 21 Dec 2018). They differ in content and filling requirements, therefore, before creating a new road waybill, be sure to select the appropriate type.*

To print, select a form → “Print form” → select number of copies → “Print”


Road waybills

The road waybill is the main accounting document for corporate vehicles. And it doesn’t matter whether it is the company car or a rented one, a road waybill is necessary when any vehicle is used for work purposes. Strict requirements for filling out this primary document are established only for vehicle companies, however, for all the other companies it is still a strict accounting document. 

To see the list of road waybills in the main menu go to “Trips” section → “Road waybills”

What data is displayed in the list?


  1. Series/number of road waybill;
  2. Vehicle name;
  3. Road waybill form;
  4. Driver full name;
  5. Road waybill period of validity;
  6. Road waybill status (if it is returned or not).

Road waybill filtering.

Road waybill list can be filtered by 


2.Vehicle name

3. Driver full name


To create a new road waybill (or several road waybills at once) in the main menu, go to the “Trips” section → “Directions” and click “Add” button


Forms of road waybills are unified and divided into several different types of forms depending on the type of vehicle (Orders of the Ministry of Transportation of the Russian Federation #152 issued on 18 Sep 2008, #17 issued on 18 Jan 2017, #467 issued on 21 Dec 2018). They differ in content and filling requirements, therefore, before creating a new road waybill, be sure to select the appropriate type.* 

Creating and printing road waybills. 

There are two ways of creating road waybills in the system: creating a single road waybill and creating multiple road waybill.

Adding a single road waybill.

Go to “Trips” section → “Road waybill” → “Add”


Enter data in the road waybill card. When choosing a vehicle, the system will notify you of the possibility to pull up selected vehicle information from the previously created road waybill.

After entering data in the road waybill, click “Add” button in the upper right corner. 

Creating multiple road waybills.

Go to “Trips” section → “Road waybills” → “Add multiple”


When creating multiple road waybills, information will be pulled up from previously created road waybill. 


To the left of the print list, an icon is displayed showing whether the waybill is completed correctly or needs revision. Some of the fields are required, some are recommended. If all required and recommended fields are filled in, a “green check mark” is displayed. 

Printing multiple road waybills.

To print multiple road waybills:

  1. Press “Save and print” button.
  2. Select the way you want to print road waybill. 


Start to manage your vehicle fleet now

Updated 17.01.2021

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