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  3. “Service” module.

“Service” module.

“Zavgar Online” is an automation system for carrying out maintenance procedures and vehicles repairs for corporate fleets. 

“Service” module was designed for managing machinery maintenance and repairs. The lack of control over the costs of these works leads not only to direct losses for the company (in the form of spare parts theft and selling, equipment out-of-service time, etc.), but also the transportation division generally becomes “unmanageable”. Regular maintenance that is performed in time leads to significant equipment breakdowns, increases the cost of operation, which negatively affects the final cost of the product. With the current competitor level and constantly increasing costs for the maintenance of the vehicle fleet (prices for petroleum fuels and lubricants, spare parts and service works, sadly, don’t drop), writing down expenses in a table and notebook can lead to company bankruptcy.

“Service” module in “Zavgar online” is a modern automation instrument for technical maintenance and repair. It consists of: 

  1. Service records. An easy version of accounting expenses for technical maintenance, spare parts and repairs. Accounting according to works performed. Fast adding of information, without the possibility of progress status control and addition of spare parts.
  2. Work-order. “Perfect” version of “Service records” module. Detailed accounting of all works, spare parts write off from warehouse associated with certain vehicle, maintenance service and repairs planning, controlling its progress status.
  3. Service tasks. Lists of all types of service works, which can be performed for all fleet. Service records are the core of all service records, work orders and service notifications.   

This was the summary of main sub sections, below is more detailed information for each of the sub section.

Service records.

Service records are the key elements of the vehicle electronic service book. A service record is also created when creating a purchase order. 

In the main menu go to “Service” section → “Service records”. A list of all service notifications for your fleet will be displayed. The administrator sees all service records, other users see only the ones they are responsible for. 


The list of service records can be filtered by:

  1. Vehicle name;
  2. Name of a service task (for example, oil change, chassis diagnostics or windshield repair);
  3. Date of service record creation.

If you wish, you can use more complex filtering by clicking on “More” button, an additional menu will be displayed in the right part of the screen.


Service record card.

Each service record has its own card. It holds all the information about this service record. When it was created, by whom, what service operations were performed, what was their price, etc. To go to the card, click on “eye” icon next to service record:


The following information is displayed in the service record card:

  1. Vehicle make/model;
  2. Vehicle license plate number;
  3. VIN;
  4. Vehicle year of manufacture;
  5. Vehicle status (in work, on repair, long term storage, etc.);
  6. Group, this vehicle belongs to;
  7. Vehicle type, according to internal classification;
  8. Description of service works, performed during this appointment;
  9. Bottom line price, with discount and tax;
  10. Start and end date and time of this service order, odometer readings at the start of service operations;
  11. Pictures and other document forms, confirming the fact of performed operations;
  12. Comments (all users with access rights for this vehicle can leave comments);
  13. Full history of all changes, with reference to a certain person, who changed data;
  14. Button to edit data.


Adding a service record.

Go to “Service” section → “Service records”,  click on “Add” button


Service record can be also created from the problem


Operating procedure for addition of a service record, created from a problem:

Select a vehicle → enter meter/odometer readings → enter the date and time of performed works → select a supplier, who will perform all the work (repairs or maintenance service) → enter service label →  select a service task (if it is not in the list, it is possible to quickly add it through “+” icon located to the right of the service tasks search bar) → indicate the cost of work and spare parts → select the amount of discount and tax percentage for items and services in this service record → add a photo , confirming the fact of work and a document confirming payment → click “Add” button in the upper right corner.



Case studies.

Initial data: the driver adds a chip on the windshield through the “Problems” module. The person responsible for vehicle operation (mechanic, expediter or fleet manager) handles the problem and sends the driver to the nearest glass repair shop.

In “Zavgar Online” program, the person responsible clicks on the “Action” tab in the problem card → “Create a service record”.


  1. Select a vehicle (if we create a service record from a problem, a vehicle will pulled up automatically);
  2.  Indicate the reading of the meter (odometer) at the moment of work completion (the figures of the last reading entered into the system are indicated below);
  3. Enter the start and end time of work;
  4. Select a supplier. If the supplier is new, we first add data for it in the “Suppliers” section;
  5. Select a label. This field is optional, but useful for future analysis of the nature of repairs and maintenance. Preliminary add labels in the settings, “Service labels” section  → “Add”. Examples of labels include: “Replacing maintenance items”, “Chassis repair and maintenance”, etc. In this case, we have chosen the “Windshield” label.
  6. If a service task is solved by fixing a problem, then all its data is automatically displayed in the “Service problems” section → “Solved”. It is only necessary to select “Service task” (type of repair or maintenance) from the list. If a service record is not created from a problem, it is selected in the “Service task” field below the “service problem” field. In this case, “Windshield repair” task is selected. 
  7. It is necessary to indicate the cost of work and spare parts used for this service record (repair or maintenance). In this case, the price of repair was 500 rubles.
  8. Select the amount of discount and tax if it is necessary for accounting. In this case, everything is 0. The payment was in cash, the check was presented.
  9. Upload the photo of repaired windshield (type – photo) and photo of a receipt (type – files).
  10. Click on “Add”. Congratulations, service record was created, expense in the amount of 500 rubles was added to the cost of vehicle operation.

Work orders.

In the main menu, go to “Service” section → “Work Orders”. A list of all work orders for your fleet will open. The administrator sees all the work orders, other users see only the orders they are responsible for.


Work order card.

Each work order has its own card. It contains all the information about the work order. When it was created, by whom, what work was done, what spare parts were used, what was their price, etc. To go to the card, click on “eye” icon next the purchase order:


The following information is displayed in the purchase order card:

  1. Vehicle make/model;
  2. Vehicle license plate number;
  3. VIN;
  4. Vehicle year of manufacture;
  5. Vehicle status (in work, on repair, long term storage, etc.);
  6. Vehicle type, according to internal classification;
  7. Description of work order, with division no work and spare parts;
  8. Start and end date and time of this service order, odometer readings at the start of service operations;
  9. Bottom line price, with discount and tax;
  10. Pictures and other document forms, confirming the fact of performed operations;
  11. Comments (all users with access rights for this vehicle can leave comments);
  12. Full history of all changes, with reference to a certain person, who changed data;
  13. Fast print of work order card;
  14. Button to edit data.



Adding work orders.

Go to “Service” section → “Work orders”,  click on “Add” button

Work order can be created from the problem


or directly from “Service” block → “Work orders” → “Add”

Procedure for adding a work order:

Select the status of the work order (by default there are 2 of them, to change go to the “Settings” module → “Work orders statuses” → “Add status”. Please note that for correct operation one of the statuses must become the initial, and another – final) → Select a vehicle → indicate the meter reading → indicate the date and time when the work was finished → select who from your company is responsible for the progress of this work order → select a supplier who will perform the work → indicate a service label → select a service task (if it is not in the list, it is possible to quickly add it via “+” icon located to the right from service tasks search bar) → if the company carried out repair on its own, indicate the person in charge who performed the work → select spare parts used for the repair (there are two ways to add them: 1) through the “Warehouse” module, if the company maintains warehouse records and writes off goods for a specific vehicle. 2) If spare parts are purchased upon necessity (repair), i.e. warehouse inventory is not kept, you can add them directly in the purchase order through the “+” sign located to the right of the spare parts search bar. The spare part will be registered and immediately written off, and all the information about it was saved → select the discount amount and tax percentage rate for goods and services in this service record → add a photo confirming the fact of performed work and a document confirming payment → click “Add” button in the upper right corner. 




As the status changes, do not forget to make changes in the work order. A closed work order is the one that, which status was changed to final, as indicated by the system.

Case study.

Initial data: the driver adds a chip on the windshield through the “Problems” module. The person responsible for vehicle operation (mechanic, expediter or fleet manager) handles the problem and orders polymers for windshield repair. The work will be performed by the company itself, without going to a third-party service station. 

In “Zavgar Online” program, responsible person clicks on the “Action” tab in the problem card → “Create a work order”.


  1. Initially, 3 status of work orders are defined in the company: a) “Spare parts prepared and delivered (initial); b) “Vehicle delivered for repair”; c) Repair completed, paid for (final). In this case, the person responsible for the work order changes the status with the progress.
  2. Select a vehicle (if you create a service record from a problem, it will be pulled up automatically); 
  3. Indicate the reading of the meter (odometer) at the time of the work (the value of last reading entered into the system is indicated below);
  4. Indicate start and end time for the work;
  5. Choose a service provider. In this case, do not fill the service records tab, since the work is carried out without going to a service station. In case of repair at a third-party station, it is necessary to select it and indicate the cost of the work;
  6. In the “Work” tab, indicate the specialist who carried out the repair;
  7. Add polymer for windshield chip elimination, be sure to indicate the manufacturer, category, part number and cost.
  8. Select a label. This field is optional, but it is useful for future analysis of the nature of repairs and maintenance. Preliminary add labels in the settings, “Service labels” section  → “Add”. Examples of labels include: “Replacing maintenance items”, “Chassis repair and maintenance”, etc. In this case, we choose “Windshield” label. 
  9. If a work order is solved by fixing a problem, then all its data is automatically displayed in the “Service problems” section → “Solved”. It is only necessary to select “Service task” (type of repair or maintenance) from the list. If a service record is not created from a problem, it is selected in the “Service task” field below the “service problem” field. In this case, “Windshield repair” task is selected. 
  10. It is necessary to indicate the cost of work and spare parts used for this service record (repair or maintenance). In this case, the price of spare parts (polymer for fixing windshield chips) was 1000 rubles.
  11. Select the amount of discount and tax if it is necessary for accounting. 
  12. Upload the photo of repaired windshield (type – photo) and photo of a receipt (type – files).
  13. Do not forget to change the status of the work order to final, in this case “Repair completed, work has been paid for”.
  14. Click on “Add”. Congratulations, problem solved, work order data was saved into the vehicle log book, expense in the amount of 1000 rubles was added to the cost of vehicle operation.

Service tasks.

Service tasks in “Zavgar Online” product philosophy are operations aimed at maintaining normal operation or eliminating a malfunction of the monitored item. 

Objectives for performing service tasks: 

  1. Prevention of serious malfunctions.
  2. Components replacement when the working time limit is reached (in km. or time).
  3. Timely replacement of all technical fluids (lubricants, oils and other technical fluids). 
  4. Performing repairs in case of pre-failure and failure condition of the object.
  5. Repairing an object after a car accident or other emergency situation.

Types of service tasks.

All services related to maintaining work order or malfunction repair are considered service tasks.

In simple terms, service tasks are:

  1. All types of service maintenance.
  2. All kinds of repairs.

To display the list of service tasks:

In the main menu, go to the “Service” section → “Service tasks”. A list of all service tasks for your fleet will open. For convenience, a quick search for service tasks has been implemented. 


Service tasks can be active and archived. In case of non-use or error when creating a service task, go to the list of service tasks → “Actions” → “Archive” 


Adding service tasks.

At the first data entry into “Zavgar Online” system, it is necessary to indicate all the work carried out, aimed at vehicles maintenance and repair (or other objects). Main types of service tasks are already included in the basic version of the program. 

To add service tasks go to the “Service” section → “Service tasks” → “Add service task” 


Please do not duplicate tasks, when you start entering text, “Zavgar Online” system will notify you if the task is duplicating.


Service tasks grouping.

Transportation is a “living” organism. For the prevention of “serious diseases” (breakdowns), the manufacturer has established a maintenance schedule. Each scheduled maintenance includes a lot of different operations, such as:

  1. In general, how not to forget about some kind of service task?
  2. How to find enough time to complete all service tasks before maintenance? 

“Zavgar Online” system allows you to group service tasks. For example, when you select maintenance-1, all service tasks will be automatically pulled up, and after completion, service notifications will be updated.


Let me give you an example why task grouping is important.

Vehicle – Hyundai Solaris, used for food courier delivery. It is no  longer under warranty and is serviced under a contract in one well-known car services network. Every time a car arrives at maintenance, the driver is being asked a question:

«What should we do?»

Often, due to the driver’s lack of knowledge, tricky service advisors force you to pay for additional services (for example, change the fuel filter). The company that owns this vehicle has a contract for performing car service operations, according to which post-payment is carried out. The bills are paid steadily, and it seems to be good for a car. But the company suffers. If the manufacturer recommends changing the fuel filter every 60,000 km., it must be changed exactly with this interval. With unnecessary work and spare parts, the workshop service advisors significantly increase the cost of operation. It is almost impossible to track such a deception without a fleet management system. It will be very difficult to see this  in the flow of information, tracking all maintenance and repairs in Excel. 

In this case, “Zavgar Online” system will help you:

  1. Buy all spare parts and maintenance items necessary for maintenance in advance (saving 20-30% from prices at the service station).
  2. Make a service appointment in advance, taking into account the work schedule and workload of the vehicle.
  3. Provide the service station with a list of work to be performed and carry out a check-comparison upon completion of maintenance.

What is the ideal maintenance planning process in “Zavgar Online” system? 

  1. Create all service tasks (maintenance and repairs) that can be carried out on the company’s vehicles. (Please, note that for the system to work correctly, there should be no duplicate service tasks. When creating a service task, in case of a duplicate, the system will notify you about this).
  2. Create group tasks for scheduled maintenance (maintenance-1, maintenance-2, maintenance-3, etc.). It is necessary to break down such tasks by type of transport. Maintenance-1 for Gazelle Next and Hyundai Solaris, are two completely different tasks. Therefore, if the fleet consists of different vehicles, create separate group tasks “maintenance-1 Gazelle NEXT”, “maintenance-1 Hyundai Solaris”, etc.
  3. Create service notification for each service task, as well as for the main wearable components (spare parts) of the vehicle. The goal is to switch the vehicle fleet maintenance system to a prophylaxis mode, rather than a treatment mode.
  4. When the maintenance interval is approaching, you will receive a notification, after the receipt you need to open a list of works and make an order for spare parts.
  5. After ordering spare parts, enter their data in the warehouse. Do not forget to enter all the data for each item (article number, supplier, cost, etc.). In the future, this will reduce the ordering time for spare parts to an absolute minimum.
  6. Create a work order, load a group service task (all subtasks will be pulled up automatically), write off spare parts (from a “virtual” or real warehouse).
  7. Make an appointment to a service station, indicate the date and time, by moving the status of the work order to the next stage.
  8. Work was performed. Close work-order. The cost of spare parts and service station work go into the operating cost, the entire history is stored in the electronic service book. All service tasks that have service notifications are automatically updated and move the notification interval. 

Quick repairs.

During the operation of the vehicle, not all maintenance and repairs are carried out at specialized service stations or by the hands of our own mechanics when the vehicles go back from the route. Some of the maintenance operations and repairs are carried out by the drivers on their own or urgent repair decision is made by them. Such work should be immediately entered into the system. Specifically for this purpose “Zavgar Online” has created the “Quick Repair” module. To use it you need: 

  1. Create quick repairs templates;
  2. Use mobile app to record all field repairs.

“Quick repairs” section works pretty simple. Its main task is just recording the fact of repair. The driver, through the mobile application, actually initiates the creation of a work order in a status defined by the template, and the administrator or other responsible person in the organization takes it into operation, indicates the cost of work and spare parts, and closes it.

Quick repairs templates.

The creation of a quick visual inspection template regulates the driver’s actions during the visual inspection. Most often, system users utilize two standard templates: 

  1. General for solving all possible problems by the driver (oil filling-up, changing a light bulb, etc.) 
  2. General for an unplanned visit to third-party service stations.

To create a visual inspection template in the main menu, go to “Service” section → “Quick repairs”. A list of templates currently available for your fleet will open, sorted by date of creation and name.

To create a template, click on the “Add” button in the upper right corner 


A template card will appear, enter the following information in it:


  1. Template name;
  2. Description. Enter all the information you consider important (optional field); 
  3. Work-order status, in which quick repair is created;
  4. Tick the box to confirm that you will add a photo, as a repair confirmation;
  5. Tick the box on the mandatory requirement to use all the spare parts specified in the template;
  6. Select a vehicle, or better all vehicles in the fleet, the drivers of these vehicles will have access to these templates for quick repairs;
  7. Select service tasks that can be completed through quick repairs. You can leave the field blank;
  8. Select spare parts that can be used through quick repairs. You can leave the field blank.

Adding a quick repair through “Zavgar Online” mobile application.

Links to free apps:

https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=org.nativescript.zavgarapp for Android

https://apps.apple.com/ru/app/%D0%B7%D0%B0%D0%B2%D0%B3%D0%B0%D1%80-%D0%BE%D0%BD%D0%BB%D0%B0%D0%B9%D0%BD/id1483779631 for IOS (iPhone)

To add a problem, go to the vehicle card, click on the big green + (“add”) sign in the lower right corner, select “Repair” 


A list of repair templates available for this vehicle will open. For example, I provide the initial data: 

  1. Name “Performed by myself”;
  2. Work order status — “Quick repair”;
  3. Requirement for a photo from the place of repair;
  4. Service tasks and spare parts are not selected, by default the task is just note of the fact of repair, without any details.


  1. Enter description of work performed;
  2. Indicate the odometer readings at the time of repair;
  3. Additional comments (if needed);
  4. “Add photo” button;
  5. Sending a filled in repair card.


Where are the quick repairs entered by the driver displayed? 

In the “Service” module → “Work Orders”, in the same status that you define when creating a quick repair template. It must be edited, all data entered and saved. 


Start to manage your vehicle fleet now

Updated 30.12.2020

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