Problem card

Each problem has its own card. It has all the information about the problem. When it was created, by whom, pictures of the problem, its status, etc. To see the card, click on the “eye” icon next to the problem:


Card of the problem contains all the information:

  1. Details – what vehicle, when the problem was transmitted, what odometer reading was at the time of problem submission, what was the deadline and who was responsible for the correction.
  2. Description – generated by the creator of the problem through a mobile application or web interface. Most often, the driver gives a brief description of the problem discovered during the inspection and the system determines this.
  3. Uploaded photos/files confirming the fact of the problem described. 
  4. Problems can be solved directly from the card by creating a work order or service record. 


Start to manage your vehicle fleet now

Updated 15.01.2021

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