General configuration
“General” is a type of setting that regulates the operation of the entire system as a whole.
Blocks for scenarios included in this type:
These are the basic settings for the user account.
- name of the company;
- telephone;
- Location;
- upload the company logo.
In this block you can enter the data of the company or companies that use the Zavgar Online product.
Setting types of reminders for contacts.
Everyone is expecting vehicles on autopilot in the next 10-20 years, but for now the driver is an integral part of the operation of the vehicle fleet. Drivers are often not very compulsory and this leads to fines, equipment downtime and other problems. It is necessary to renew the driver’s license, as well as the admissions of drivers to the objects. The Zavgar Online system will remind you not only of the driver, but also of his address and interested persons.
Create all the types of reminders you need, mainly for drivers. We recommend the following minimum:
- The period of validity of the driver’s license.
- The period of validity of passes, admissions, etc.
- The validity period of the driver card for the tachograph.
- The driver’s birthday. To add, go to “Settings” → “Vehicle reminder types” → “Add type” → Enter the name of the reminder → Click “Save”. СКРИНШОТ
Configuration of access functions in the system
The Zavgar Online system has the possibility to create a hierarchy of users according to the functions in the company. The creation and edition of the standard access rights (driver, administrator, display only) is done in the Configuration section “→” Functions “. This block shows a list of all the functions entered in the system. To create a new one function, in the upper right corner click “Add function”, if you need to edit an already created function, click the “Pencil” icon in front of the function name.
A list of all modules of the Zavgar Online system is displayed, define what access rights the employee should have in the created or edited role.
Based on the administrator’s choice, the system will be configured individually for each company role. For example, we need to create an accountant function.
The accountant is a passive member of the Zavgar Online system. Therefore, it is not necessary to have more rights besides viewing users. We select the required point.
Considering the work with suppliers, here in addition to visualization, the rights to add a contact are already required.
It is a very important module for the accounting and finance department. Respectively there are full access rights.
It is also a very important module for accounting. Fuel is a large part of expenses and it is necessary to have all the rights to work with it. We assign them.
The problem work is not the responsibility of the accounting and finance department, therefore we did not choose any of the points.
Service records.
This module includes the expensive part of the company, so we leave all the tabs except the deletion.
Service reminders.
This module is not included in the scope of accounting interests, we skip it.
Service tasks.
This module is not included in the scope of accounting interests, we skip it.
In addition to visualizing shipments and obtaining data on them, the accounting department does not need anything else.
Counter history.
This module is not included in the scope of accounting interests, we skip it.
Vehicle reminders.
This module is not included in the scope of accounting interests, we skip it.
Work with suppliers is included in the area of competence of the accounting and finance department. We assign all rights except deletion.
This block is not required for the counter. We skip it. We recommend leaving it for administrators only.
Inspections (forms and their performance).
Conducting inspections is not the responsibility of the accounting department. We skip it.
Contact reminders.
This block is not required for the counter. We skip it.
Replacement parts.
This block is very important for accounting. The cost of purchasing spare parts is a significant part.
a of the budget for transportation expenses. We set the maximum access rights for this block.
Spare parts order.
An accountant is an important participant in the parts ordering procedure. She (or he) must be aware of all the actions in this block, therefore, they have the maximum rights.
Purchase orders.
Spare parts almost always come along with service work. For total accounting of repair costs, it is recommended to use the “Purchase orders” module. In it, the process of linking previously acquired spare parts to a specific vehicle in which the installation is carried out is carried out. The accountant is very interested in controlling the spare parts + jobs package, so we select all the points except disposal.
Time tracking for an accountant is a very important part of the Zavgar Online system functionality. We set the maximum rights.
Additional expenses on the vehicle.
Other categories of expenses that cannot be attributed to existing blocks are entered in the “Additional expenses on the vehicle” module. These expenses are most often paid in cash, and therefore receive special attention from the accounting and finance department. They have maximum rights.
Save the received function.
It is also advisable to carefully create access rights for everyone who will work on the Zavgar Online system.
Configuration of group types.
For the convenience of working with the program, we recommend grouping objects. We recommend grouping vehicles according to the following criteria:
by types of equipment (for example: trucks, special equipment, etc.);
by equipment categories;
by vehicle brands (KAMAZ, GAZELLE, etc.);
by geographic circumscriptions (branch, zone, current work region);
other attributes that join objects.
The group configuration module allows:
- Change the order of groups when selecting them.
- Add a new group type.
- Edit current groups. СКРИНШОТ
Configuration of custom fields.
One of the key benefits of the Zavgar Online system is the flexibility of configuration. We examine a large number of companies from different areas and try to implement all the basic wishes to the maximum. But there are special moments that are important to a particular company. To do this, each entity in the system has the ability to create its own custom fields.
To create, go to “Settings” → “Custom Fields” → “Add Field”.
We enter the name → We select the type of module to which this custom field will be added → We select the type of custom field → We click on “Save”.
Service tag configuration.
This block was created to group service records. Grouping by vehicle nodes is recommended for future convenience of generating reporting information.
Configuration of purchase order statuses.
For the purchase order module to work properly, it is necessary to analyze the business process of the company and divide the repair or maintenance process into stages. For example, after receiving a problem in the system and creating a purchase order, the responsible person orders spare parts and signs up for the service → the car is in service for a while → the documents are drawn up and sent to the accounting department → then the car is accepted by the mechanic and the invoice is paid. Based on this business process, we create purchase order statuses in the Zavgar Online system. Statuses allow you to control the implementation period of each stage and obtain visually convenient information.
It is important to set the initial and final statuses of the purchase orders. To create purchase order statuses, go to the section “Configuration” → “Purchase order statuses” → “Add status”
Add card of purchase order status.
Enter the name of the state → if necessary, enter a description → if the state is initial or final in the purchase order, be sure to indicate this → if you want, indicate the color of the state
Configuration of the types of additional costs.
During the operation of the vehicles, costs arise that are difficult to attribute to the main entities of the Zavgar Online system. For example, it can be the payment of housing, food, parking, toll roads. Often there are spontaneous spending on spare parts, consumables, or even paying fines. It is very important to take into account such costs, the cost of operation without them will not be correct. For this, the module “Additional expenses
s ”, whose categories and types of costs are entered in the system configuration.
To add a new type or change the current ones, go to “Settings” → “Types of additional expenses” → “Add type” (to edit “Actions” → “Edit”)