The driver is a key person in the operation of the vehicle. In the Zavgar Online system, the vehicle + driver link is an essential condition for the correct operation of the program. Two identical vehicles can have drastically different operating costs and this can happen due to the human factor. For identification and effective correction of such errors, numbers are needed. You can get them in a few mouse clicks in the Zavgar Online system. But first, you need to assign the driver to the car, the “Assignment to Vehicle” module will help you do this.
“Assignment to Vehicle” module displays the following:
- Text information. Which driver and in what period operates (operated) the vehicle.
- Visual display, with the ability to change the work time directly on the chart.
- The ability to filter data. For example, to see on which vehicle a certain driver worked or to select the period of displayed information.
It is also possible to easily assign driver to operate a vehicle from this list: