Go to “Service” section → “Work orders”, click on “Add” button
Work order can be created from the problem
or directly from “Service” block → “Work orders” → “Add”
Procedure for adding a work order:
Select the status of the work order (by default there are 2 of them, to change go to the “Settings” module → “Work orders statuses” → “Add status”. Please note that for correct operation one of the statuses must become the initial, and another – final) → Select a vehicle → indicate the meter reading → indicate the date and time when the work was finished → select who from your company is responsible for the progress of this work order → select a supplier who will perform the work → indicate a service label → select a service task (if it is not in the list, it is possible to quickly add it via “+” icon located to the right from service tasks search bar) → if the company carried out repair on its own, indicate the person in charge who performed the work → select spare parts used for the repair (there are two ways to add them: 1) through the “Warehouse” module, if the company maintains warehouse records and writes off goods for a specific vehicle. 2) If spare parts are purchased upon necessity (repair), i.e. warehouse inventory is not kept, you can add them directly in the purchase order through the “+” sign located to the right of the spare parts search bar. The spare part will be registered and immediately written off, and all the information about it was saved → select the discount amount and tax percentage rate for goods and services in this service record → add a photo confirming the fact of performed work and a document confirming payment → click “Add” button in the upper right corner.
As the status changes, do not forget to make changes in the work order. A closed work order is the one that, which status was changed to final, as indicated by the system.
Case study.
Initial data: the driver adds a chip on the windshield through the “Problems” module. The person responsible for vehicle operation (mechanic, expediter or fleet manager) handles the problem and orders polymers for windshield repair. The work will be performed by the company itself, without going to a third-party service station.
In “Zavgar Online” program, responsible person clicks on the “Action” tab in the problem card → “Create a work order”.
- Initially, 3 status of work orders are defined in the company: a) “Spare parts prepared and delivered (initial); b) “Vehicle delivered for repair”; c) Repair completed, paid for (final). In this case, the person responsible for the work order changes the status with the progress.
- Select a vehicle (if you create a service record from a problem, it will be pulled up automatically);
- Indicate the reading of the meter (odometer) at the time of the work (the value of last reading entered into the system is indicated below);
- Indicate start and end time for the work;
- Choose a service provider. In this case, do not fill the service records tab, since the work is carried out without going to a service station. In case of repair at a third-party station, it is necessary to select it and indicate the cost of the work;
- In the “Work” tab, indicate the specialist who carried out the repair;
- Add polymer for windshield chip elimination, be sure to indicate the manufacturer, category, part number and cost.
- Select a label. This field is optional, but it is useful for future analysis of the nature of repairs and maintenance. Preliminary add labels in the settings, “Service labels” section → “Add”. Examples of labels include: “Replacing maintenance items”, “Chassis repair and maintenance”, etc. In this case, we choose “Windshield” label.
- If a work order is solved by fixing a problem, then all its data is automatically displayed in the “Service problems” section → “Solved”. It is only necessary to select “Service task” (type of repair or maintenance) from the list. If a service record is not created from a problem, it is selected in the “Service task” field below the “service problem” field. In this case, “Windshield repair” task is selected.
- It is necessary to indicate the cost of work and spare parts used for this service record (repair or maintenance). In this case, the price of spare parts (polymer for fixing windshield chips) was 1000 rubles.
- Select the amount of discount and tax if it is necessary for accounting.
- Upload the photo of repaired windshield (type – photo) and photo of a receipt (type – files).
- Do not forget to change the status of the work order to final, in this case “Repair completed, work has been paid for”.
Click on “Add”. Congratulations, problem solved, work order data was saved into the vehicle log book, expense in the amount of 1000 rubles was added to the cost of vehicle operation.